Flathead County Library welcomes the opportunity for selected artists and groups to exhibit artwork for public viewing in our exhibit spaces. Flathead County Library provide space for artists of diverse media and styles to display their work to the community. Content should be suitable and appropriate for the general public and is subject to review and approval by the Flathead County Library Director and assigned staff. The Director is responsible for the selection of all exhibited materials in the building and on the grounds of Flathead County Library locations. The Flathead County Library Board of Trustees will be notified of upcoming art exhibits and displays before final approval. Flathead County Library retains the right of refusal and is not obligated to accept every exhibit or item offered for display.
Artists are invited to apply for an exhibit date by sending a formal application or dropping one by:
Flathead County Library System,
247 First Ave E., Kalispell, MT 59901
An application can be obtained online.
Terms for Exhibiting:
Agreement to exhibit in the Flathead County Library System display spaces implies acceptance of these terms.
- Artists are encouraged to visit the display space prior to the installation of their display.
- Artists are responsible for working with library staff to install and remove their artwork within the scheduled exhibit period.
- Artists are responsible for repairing damage to the display space. Library staff will assess the display area condition before and after the exhibit.
- Flathead County Library will not provide storage space for artists’ materials.
- The exhibit will be open during the hours of library operation unless otherwise arranged with the Director.
- Descriptions of artwork displayed in the gallery will be provided by the artist and approved by the Director.
- A press release will be emailed to local news media. Representative work, a description of the exhibit and a biography of the artist will be placed on the library’s website. Additional promotional materials are the responsibility of the artist, and must be approved by the Director two months in advance of the opening date.
- Receptions for an exhibit are optional and must be approved by the Director. All receptions will be subject to library policies.
- Artists are responsible for sale and collection of monies for their artwork.
- Flathead County Library requests a 10% donation from all sales. Purchased artworks may be picked up from the artist at the end of the exhibit.
- The display area is open to the general public and is not monitored by library staff.
- Artists may wish to insure their artwork at their own expense. Flathead County Library will not provide insurance for an artist’s work.
Adopted: 5/22/13
Revised: 7/21/22
Heidi Roedel, Chair
Library Board of Trustees