Flathead County Library

Media Communication Policy

Public Postings

ImagineIF Libraries offers social networking for informational, educational, cultural, and recreational purposes. Library social networking provides an online public forum to facilitate the sharing of ideas, opinions and information about library-related subjects and issues among Library staff and Library users.

Comments and postings by participants other than Library staff moderators do not necessarily reflect the official position of ImagineIF Library or its staff. Social networking includes, but is not limited to, formats such as instant messaging, text-based posts, discussion lists, websites, and social network pages. The Library does not collect, maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third-party site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site, unless granted permission by users. Users should be aware that third party sites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly.

ImagineIF Libraries may remove their account/profile at any time from social networking sites. ImagineIF Libraries reserves the right to monitor content on all of its social networking sites and to remove messages or postings containing the following:

  • Copyright violations off-topic comments
  • Commercial material/spam
  • Duplicated posts from the same individual
  • Obscene, threatening, libelous or inappropriate comments, photos or images

Patrons are strongly encouraged to protect their privacy when commenting or posting on social networking sites. Young people under age 18, especially, should not post information such as last name, school, age, phone number, address. As with other Library materials, a Child’s use of social networking tools is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

By posting content on Library social media pages, the user agrees to indemnify ImagineIF and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages and costs (including attorney’s fees) incurred by any of them which arise out of or are related to the posted content. Forums and messaging may not be used for commercial purposes or for organized political activity. If any user does not agree to these terms, he or she should not use the service, as violation of the terms can lead to legal liability.

ImagineIF Staff Postings

The ImagineIF Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of responsible marketing through social media, as this has become a primary source of advertising library programs and events, and provides a general awareness of the Library to the general public. ImagineIF uses social media in the following ways:

  • Advertising
  • Communicating library and other events to the public
  • Liking and/or sharing relevant information with the public posted by individuals or other organizations
  • Sharing creative ideas relevant to library programming
  • Sharing book reviews, lists of new books, and other relevant information on books
  • Other ways as approved by the Library Director

The Library maintains multiple social media accounts. Individual staff members are assigned by the Library Director to post to the various social media accounts. All postings must be relevant to library or local business or programming. Posts should not include links to any site that may be malicious. Photos in which faces can be personally identified may be used only if written permission is on file with the Library Director. Posts will not include any profanity, nudity, or political content (whether written or shared). Posts will not include statements that are inappropriate because they are discriminatory, threaten violence, are obscene or otherwise disparage members of the public or co-workers. All posts are subject to pre-approval by the Library Director or her designee. No posts concerning past or ongoing trustee actions, matters of conflict, or policies will be posted without Director and Board of Trustees approval.

Individuals authorized to post should only access these sites for Library purposes, and only for reasonable amounts of time. Excessive time spent on these sites and/or time spent for reasons other than Library business subjects the employee to disciplinary action.

All the foregoing policies apply to communications through newspaper, television, and radio press as well.

Adopted: 5/26/2022

Heidi Roedel, Chair
Library Board of Trustees

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