Flathead County Library

Meeting Room Use

This policy describes the intended purposes of the Flathead County Library meeting rooms, how and when they can be used by the public and what rules must be observed when using meeting spaces.

When not in use by the library or its programs and functions, the library meeting rooms are available by reservation to local community groups on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations may be made by either calling the Kalispell Business Office at (406)758-5824, the Bigfork Library at (406) 837-6976, or by completing the online request form at flatheadcountylibrary.org/services/book-a-meeting-room/.

The following guidelines apply:

  • The Kalispell meeting room is available by reservation Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm.
  • The Bigfork meeting room is available by reservation Tuesday through Friday between the hours of 10am to 5:45pm, Saturday 10am to 1:45pm.
  • Reservations can be made for the current month, plus two months in advance.
  • Groups are limited to reserving a meeting room no more than twice per month.
  • Groups must notify the library at least 24 hours in advance if a scheduled meeting is cancelled.
  • Library Activities shall have first priority for usage of the Library Meeting Room. In an emergency, the Library may ask a group to cancel a scheduled event to allow for library use of the room. Reasonable attempts will be made to give a 24 hour notice.
  • Anyone using the meeting room must adhere to the Library Rules of Conduct.
  • Any meeting held in the library meeting room must be open to the public.
  • Attendance at any event must not exceed the posted room capacity.

The contact person for the group reserving the meeting room assumes responsibility for the use of the room and ensures that the following rules are observed:

  • Library meeting rooms are handicapped accessible. It is the responsibility of the group holding meetings to provide ADA compliance for their programs. No admission or registration fee may be charged at any meeting. Donations may be accepted to recover meeting materials costs.
  • With the exception of books and other resources sold at library-sponsored events, no products or sevices may be advertised, solicited or sold.
  • All advertisments, announcements, press releases, flyers, etc. related to meetings held in the Flathead County Library meeting rooms must clearly state that the meeting is NOT sponsored by the Flathead County Library and must designate the sponsoring organization.
  • All advertisments, announcements, press releases, flyers, etc. related to meetings held in the library meeting room must clearly state that he meeting is NOT sponsored by Flathead County Library and must designate the sponsoring organization.
  • Groups may not use the name, address, or telephone number of the Flathead County Library as their address or headquarters.
  • Groups should schedule enough time to allow for set-up, the meeting itself, and clean-up so as to avoid overlap with another group.
  • The Library provides several pieces of equipment that may be used in the Library Meeting Room for no additional charge.
  • Groups may request the use of laptops by contacting the Information Desk at 758-5815.
  • The Flathead County Library will not provide storage of any materials for any group.

Meeting Room Use:

  • At the end of a meeting, chairs must be stacked and tables returned to their original arrangement. If food is served, utensils must be washed, garbage disposed of and the kitchenette cleaned. (Kitchenette not available in Bigfork.)
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed on library property, except at special events hosted by library support group organizations for the benefit of the Flathead County Library. Such groups must obtain written permission to serve alcohol from the library director in advance.
  • Groups showing a film must have documented public performance rights to screen the film.
  • Failure to comply with any Flathead County Library meeting room rules will result in withdrawal of room reservation privileges.
  • Groups shall be held liable for any damage to or loss of library property.
  • The Flathead County Library may not be held liable for any damage, loss or bodily injury occurring to persons or property affiliated with the scheduled event.

Revised: 10/22/87

Revised: 9/16/93

Revised: 1/28/99

Revised and adopted: 5/27/2010

Revised: 4/28/2011

Revised: 9/25/13

Revised: 10/23/19

Revised: 5/26/22

Revised: 7/21/22

Revised: 2/23/23

Revised: 6/27/24

David Ingram, Chair
Library Board of Trustees

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