Flathead County Library

Patron Conduct Policy

To better serve all library patrons, the Library Board of Trustees has established standards of acceptable behavior to ensure a positive, welcoming, clean, and safe environment conducive to library use. Behavior becomes unacceptable when it impinges on the rights of others.

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Disturbing library users or staff members with:
    • Harassing or threatening behavior
    • Obscene or abusive acts, language, or gestures
    • Unreasonable noise, including loud talking on cell phones
    • Behavior inappropriate to a business setting, such as running, fighting, or throwing objects
  • Disrupting the normal functioning of the Library
  • Inappropriate use of the Library premises or equipment, including vandalism
  • Soliciting of any kind
  • Being intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or using nicotine products, alcohol, or illegal drugs on Library premises
  • Interfering with others’ use of the Library
  • Bringing animals inside Flathead County Library buildings, with the exception of service animals (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act) or animals used as part of Library programs
  • Bringing a knife, unconcealed weapon or unpermitted concealed carried weapon or any other weapon into the library, 45-8-351 MCA and 45-8-352 MCA
  • Engaging in any activity in violation of Flathead County Library policy, or any federal, state, local, or other applicable law
  • Sleeping in or on Library premises
  • Bringing personal belongings that hinder, impede, or prevent the movement of another patron into, out of, or about library property*
  • Bringing personal belongings, including wagons, carts, or hand trucks that do not fit under a table and can’t be easily carried downstairs during an emergency*
  • Leaving personal belongings left unattended on library property

* These restrictions do not apply to items used for personal mobility, such as: walkers, strollers used to safely transport babies and toddlers, or wheelchairs. Other exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis by library staff.

Patrons will be asked to adapt their behavior to comply with library policy. If a patron fails to do so, appropriate action will be taken, up to and including permanent expulsion from Flathead County Library facilities. Illegal activity will be referred to appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Adopted: 08/27/87

Revised: 10/27/94, 03/28/96, 10/03/96, 04/23/98, 03/25/99, 10/28/04, 04/09/08, 01/26/12, 12/05/12, 3/25/15, 7/21/22, 10/26/23

Dave Ingram, Chair
Library Board of Trustees

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