Jan 21, 2025
The Youth Services team at ImagineIF Libraries plans and implements early literacy programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers in Kalispell, Bigfork, and Columbia Falls. Our goal in every Storytime is to connect with young children and their caregivers through books, songs, and interactive activities that foster early literacy and social emotional skills. Explore the Storytime Schedule BRRR- it's cold outside! Pull on your mittens and grab a snow shovel! It's time to explore some of our favorite winter time books and activities!

Dec 27, 2024
Join our postpartum resource support group for parents and infants in their first year of life. Gain support, meet other parents, learn early literacy tips, and discover new resources to help you navigate the first year with your baby. Hear from guest speakers on relevant topics once a month and join us weekly for books, songs, and conversations. Bigfork Community Room: Wednesdays, 1-2pm

Dec 17, 2024
The Youth Services team at ImagineIF Libraries plans and implements early literacy programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers in Kalispell, Bigfork, and Columbia Falls. Our goal in every Storytime is to connect with young children and their caregivers through books, songs, and interactive activities that foster early literacy and social emotional skills. Explore the Storytime Schedule Numbers here, numbers there, we can count everywhere! This week's storytime focused on the numbers 1-10, and we practiced counting EVERYTHING together! We encouraged caregivers to keep the fun going at home by incorporating counting into their everyday activities, like counting pieces of fruit…

Nov 19, 2024
The Youth Services team at ImagineIF Libraries plans and implements early literacy programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers in Kalispell, Bigfork, and Columbia Falls. Our goal in every Storytime is to connect with young children and their caregivers through books, songs, and interactive activities that foster early literacy and social emotional skills. Explore the Storytime Schedule Get your hard hats ready! It's time for a Storytime all about Tools and Construction. We built roads and cities, pounded with play hammers, and learned that even if your tower takes a tumble, you can always build something bigger and stronger! Books Read: Little…