Flathead County Library


In accordance with MCA 22-2-309, “The library board of trustees of every public library shall have the power to accept gifts, grants, donations, devises, or bequests of property, real or personal, from whatever source and to expend or hold, work, and improve the same for the specific purpose of the gift, grant, donation, devise, or bequest.”

All such gifts, grants, donations, devises, or bequests to the Flathead County Library must be received and accepted by the library director or proxy on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

The Board reserves the right to reject any donation.

Monetary gifts, grants, donations, and bequests designated by the donor for a purpose that either violates applicable law or is not consistent with Flathead County Library policies and strategic plans will be returned to the donor. If the donor can’t be identified, the Board will direct the donation towards a general purpose that benefits the library.

Monetary Donations of Less than $1000.00

Monetary gifts, grants, donations, and bequests of less that $1000.00 designated by the donor for a specific purpose and /or branch shall be placed in Fund 7055 (Gift Fund) to be used for their intended purpose, as long as such purpose does not violate applicable law, and is consistent with Flathead County library policies and strategic plans.

Monetary gifts, grants donations, and bequests of less that $1000.00 designated by the donor for a long-term capital improvement project, or not designated by the donor for a specific purpose, shall at the Board’s discretion, be placed in Fund 4020 (Library Depreciation Reserve Fund) or directed to the Flathead County Library Foundation or any public foundation dedicated to the support of the Flathead County Library System.

Monetary gifts, grants, donations, and bequests designated by the donor for a purpose that either violates applicable law or is not consistent with Flathead County Library policies and strategic plans will be returned to the donor. If the donor can’t be identified, the Board will direct the donation towards a general purpose that benefits the library.

Monetary Donations of $1000.00 or more

Monetary gifts, grants, donations and bequests of $1000.00 or more must be presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration before deposit. The Board may direct such donations to Fund 4020 (Library Depreciation Fund), the Flathead County Library Foundation or any public foundation dedicated to the support of the Flathead County Library System.

Monetary gifts, grants, donation and bequests designated by the donor for a purpose that either violates applicable law or is not consistent with Flathead County Library policies and strategic plans will be returned to the donor. If the donor can’t be identified, the Board will direct the donation towards a general purpose that benefits the library.

Non-monetary Donations

Gifts of no-library materials, such as collections, works of art, furniture, real estate, and equipment will be considered individually by the Board of Directors. Any items donated to the library become the property of the library to be used or disposed of as best fits the library’s needs. Flathead County Library is not obligated to replace donated items that are lost or stolen.

The library is not responsible for any appraisal that may be required that may be required in connections with a non-monetary donation. Proceeds from a sale of such gifts will be handled as above.

Memorial donations involving installation may be accepted by the library with the provision that the donor takes responsibility for their installation. Memorial donations become the property of the library and may be disposed of at the Board’s discretion when they no longer serve the library’s needs. Memorial donations will not be returned to the donor or their successor.

Donations of Library Materials or Funds for Library Materials

For gifts of library materials or donations intended for the purchase of library materials please refer to Policy 5000 (Collection Development).

Adopted: 7/23/2001

Revised: 12/4/2008

Reaffirmed: 2/22/2012

Revised: 12/3/2014

Reaffirmed: 1/27/22

Revised: 10/27/2022

Doug Adams, Chair
Library Board of Trustees

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