Below is a list of books that library staff will choose from when presenting a storytime during our Early Literacy Classes. Not all titles will be read. Books are listed by Title, Author, and ISBN number.
Storytime Reading List for Feb 17 – Feb 21
All locations closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Toddler Storytime
Kalispell: Mondays, 11:00am
All locations closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Columbia Falls: Mondays, 11:00am
All locations closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Bigfork: Tuesdays, 11:00am
Penguin and Ollie by Salina Yoon, ISBN: 9781681193502
Penguin Problems by Jory John ISBN: 9780553513370
Slide like a Penguin by Cocoretto, ISBN: 9781786289452
Bob and Flo by Rebecca Ashdown ISBN: 9780544444300
Penguin and Pinecone by Salina Yoon, ISBN: 9781547611447
Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers, ISBN: 9780399255458
Preschool Storytime
Kalispell: Tuesdays, 11:00am
Ribbit! By Folguiera, Rodrigo ISBN: 9780307981462
Everybody Says Meow! by Lombardo, Constance ISBN: 9780062689887
Frog on a Log? By Gray, Kes ISBN: 9780545687911
I am a Tiger by Newson, Karl ISBN: 9781338349894
Grumpy Duck by Dunbar, Joyce ISBN: 9781536204247
Tiptoe Tiger by Clarke, Jane ISBN: 9781536227505
Tippy Tippy Tippy Hide! By Fleming, Candace ISBN: 9780689874796
The Greedy Goat by Horáček, Petr ISBN: 9780763694975
Look out Suzy Goose! By Horáček, Petr ISBN: 9780763638030
Silly Suzy Goose! By Horáček, Petr ISBN: 9780763630409
Pig in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud by Plourde, Lynn ISBN: 9780590568630
Get out of my bath! By Teckentrup, Britta ISBN: 9781536202748
Columbia Falls: Thursdays, 11:00am
When Your Elephant Comes to Play by Ale Barba, ISBN: 9780399163128
Doris by Lo Cole, ISBN: 9781915801289
A Parade of Elephants by Kevin Henkes, ISBN: 9780062668288
Bigfork: Thursdays, 11:00am
Penguin and Ollie by Salina Yoon, ISBN: 9781681193502
Penguin Problems by Jory John ISBN: 9780553513370
Slide like a Penguin by Cocoretto, ISBN: 9781786289452
Bob and Flo by Rebecca Ashdown ISBN: 9780544444300
Penguin and Pinecone by Salina Yoon, ISBN: 9781547611447
Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers, ISBN: 9780399255458
Baby Storytime
Kalispell: Wednesdays, 11:00am
Ribbit! By Folguiera, Rodrigo ISBN: 9780307981462
Everybody Says Meow! by Lombardo, Constance ISBN: 9780062689887
Frog on a Log? By Gray, Kes ISBN: 9780545687911
I am a Tiger by Newson, Karl ISBN: 9781338349894
Grumpy Duck by Dunbar, Joyce ISBN: 9781536204247
Tiptoe Tiger by Clarke, Jane ISBN: 9781536227505
Tippy Tippy Tippy Hide! By Fleming, Candace ISBN: 9780689874796
The Greedy Goat by Horáček, Petr ISBN: 9780763694975
Look out Suzy Goose! By Horáček, Petr ISBN: 9780763638030
Silly Suzy Goose! By Horáček, Petr ISBN: 9780763630409
Pig in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud by Plourde, Lynn ISBN: 9780590568630
Get out of my bath! By Teckentrup, Britta ISBN: 9781536202748
Columbia Falls: Fridays, 11:00am
Goodnight, Rainbow Cats by Barbara Castro Urio, ISBN: 9781452182131